Part 10: Croix
Chapter 9: Croix

Welcome back, children. Today I'll continue with the tale of our search for Culotte and the murderous demon. One of the most important players in our tale comes into the picture as well.

How much longer is this anyway? Two, maybe three more days then you become an Overlord?

Ahahahahahaha. No.


Just sit down already Prince. You're wasting time.

Yeah, I want to hear what happened to her brother.

When we last left off, we'd just rescued Sister Olive. We took the other path, in the direction Culotte had run off in.

I'm pretty sure this demon must have thought we were idiots or something.

Father Salade! Have you come to help us?!
Oh Father! Culotte, he... Culotte's in big trouble!

(Sister Prier... Wait.
That isn't Father Salade.)


(When I contacted him, he said he would be sending someone else to help us.)

(Which means...?)

(This is our suspect.)

(I see... I'll test him.
If he's really Father Salade------)

What's wrong? I came all the way here to help you, and this is how you welcome me?

I'm sorry, Father, I don't know what I was thinking...

Yep, he's a fake all right!
The real Father Salade would never have fallen for a sucker-punch like that!

...Argh... D-damn it!

After him, Sister Prier!

You got it! We've got to save Culotte!!

I can't handle this by myself...
Snap out of it, Culotte! Do you want to be treated like a child for the rest of your life?!

You'd be surprised how many bears and weird plant things live in the mountains.

You know, bears actually seem sort of out of place.

What do you mean, Laharl?

Well, think about it. There's zombies and giant bats and walking plants and living fires, right? All those things are decidedly supernatural. Where the hell do bears fit in with that?

Now that you mention it, they are far more normal than everything else around there.

What are you guys talking about? They're bears! B-E-A-R-S. The ultimate incarnation of supernatural terror.

Wait, what?

It's not my fault you've all lived your lives sheltered from the ruinous furry hordes that overrun the forests. Just trust me, it's more a wonder that the ghosts and demons and all aren't extinct, not the bears.

Anyway, we continued on.

Um... How do you know my name?
Who are you...?
Mom: Well, it's understandable that you don't remember. You were so young...
Culotte. Don't you remember?
When you were a little boy...
When you had bad dreams, I would sing you lullabies until you went to sleep...

It can't be... Mommy?!


Listen, Prier! This is...

The way you change your shape to fool your victims... It makes me sick.

Who are you?!

I'm nobody special... But if you must know...
The name's Croix. Croix Raoul.
I'm a freelance demon hunter. I'm working for the Church of the Divine Mother at the moment.
The boyfriend of one of your victims hired me.
Now be a good little demon and let me kill you...


What? You don't know how to give up gracefully, do you?

Is that right?

Yes! We're practically brothers!
Cut me some slack...
You can let me off this time. Right?

Sorry. No can do.

I see... In that case...!

Heh heh. I can tell you're trying to read my past. To take the form of someone I loved.
I'm on to you.
But... Unfortunately for you...
I have no memory of my past.
Now then...
It's time for you to say goodbye.

Stop it. You'll never make it to heaven like this...

Hmph! Don't make me laugh!


You know that boy?

I'm his sister!!

I see. In that case, please allow me to help.
But I get to keep 70% of the reward. You guys get 30%.

I don't care about any reward! We've got to help Culotte!

I may not look it, but I like to keep things businesslike. We've got to---

W-what's wrong?

Miss... This is the first time we've met, isn't it?

Yes... So?

No, never mind.
Let's go take care of that demon.
Croix joined forces with you!

Croix. Croix was an expert marksman, defeating demons from long distances with his gunplay. He was a good, dear friend. And I wish every day I'd never met the bastard.

What? Why?

Just listen, it'll all become clear in the end.

I think it's pretty obvious, she thought he was her bo-Ow!

Finish that sentence and you'll be crapping my shoes for a week, kid. Anyway, I'm done talking for today. Later.

Good going, Prince, you pissed her off.

Yeah, Laharl, why don't you try and think of someone else for a change?
